Amanda Brock

Amanda Brock is CEO of OpenUK the UK organisation for the business of Open Technology – open source software, open hardware and open data - with a purpose of UK Leadership and International Collaboration in Open Technology and she is the Executive Producer of State of Open Con
She is a Board Member of the Open Source Initiative; appointed member of the Cabinet Office's Open Standards Board; Member of the British Computer Society Inaugural Influence Board; Advisory Board Member, Sustainable Digital Infrastructure Alliance and Mimoto; and European Representative of the Open Invention Network.
A lawyer of 25 years’ experience, she previously chaired the Open Source and IP Advisory Group of the United Nations Technology Innovation Labs, sat on the OASIS Open Projects and UK Government Energy Sector Digitalisation Task Force Advisory Boards. She was General Counsel of Canonical for 5 years from 2008 and set up their legal function.
Amanda is a judge in the IDG Foundry CIO 100 2023 having been a Judge in the We are Tech Women Rising Star Awards 2020-22. She was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in the Women, Influence & Power in Law Awards UK 2022, and included in Computer Weekly’s Most Influential Women in Tech Long list in 2021 and 2022 and in their UK Tech50 Influencers longlist for 2022 and 2023.
She was included in the 2022 Involve HERoes list of 100 global women executives driving change by example.
She is the editor of Open Source Law, Policy and Practice (2nd edition) published by Oxford University Press in October 2022, with open access thanks to the Vietsch Foundation
@amandabrockUK @openuk_uk